Re: search and replace
Re: search and replace
- Subject: Re: search and replace
- From: Arthur J Knapp <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:07:28 -0500
From: Brian Mather <email@hidden>
Subject: search and replace
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 10:40:14 -0500
tell application "Finder"
set the_file to choose file -- for development
set foo to read the_file
set got_it to the offset of "sometext" in foo
if got_it is not 0 then
beep 3 -- development again
set file_mark to got_it
set munger to open for access file (the_file) with write
write "some_other_text" to munger starting at file_mark
close access munger
problem is that the write command overwrites things instead of inserting
them. I'm sure some reg ex stuff would be more elegant but I don't know the
syntax and hadn't the time to learn it last night.
Any thoughts on how I could isolate the retrieved text and replace it with
the new text correctly?
If you have the memory, the simplest way to do this in AppleScript is
simply to read the file in, process it's contents, set eof to 0, and
then write the whole file out from scratch:
-- Warning: no error-checking...
on ProcessTextFile( file_spec )
set open_file to open for access file_spec with write permission
set file_contents to read open_file
set file_contents to ProcessString( file_contents ) --> modify
set eof open_file to 0 --> delete file's contents
write file_contents to open_file
close access open_file
If you don't have the memory, then things get more complicated. In
AppleScript, it's best to just to have lots of memory available. ;-)
{ Arthur J. Knapp, of <>
on error number -128
end try
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