Shane Stanley kindly answered my question about getting
InDesign links in an active spread. I realized I have a second part to the
question – is there an easy way to get a list of the links of an active
spread whose status is “link missing”? Here’s my cumbersome
solution, but I sure it could be more elegant:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
set LinkList to {}
set GraphicsLinks to (item link of all graphics of
active spread of layout window 1) as list
repeat with aLink in GraphicsLinks
if status of aLink is
not link missing then
if LinkList is {} then
set LinkList to ((file path of aLink) as string)
as list
set LinkList to LinkList & ((file path of aLink) as
string) as list
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
Original post with answer:
> I need a script to
return a list of all the links in the active spread
> of an InDesign document
for the purpose of updating them.
set theLinks to (item link of all graphics of
active spread of layout window 1) as list
Thanks again,
Garry Simon