powerbook:~/Desktop:: mdimport -d2 /Users/drew/Desktop/Please.tsdoc
2005-05-21 14:58:06.380 mdimport[2392] Sending attributes of '/Users/drew/Desktop/Please.tsdoc' to server. Attributes: '{
"_kMDItemImporterCrashed" = <null>;
"com_apple_metadata_modtime" = 138373071;
kMDItemContentCreationDate = 2005-05-21 14:57:51 +0200;
kMDItemContentModificationDate = 2005-05-21 14:57:51 +0200;
kMDItemContentType = "com.maniacalextent.tradestrategist.tsdoc";
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
kMDItemDisplayName = {"" = Please; };
kMDItemKind = {"" = "Trade Strategist Document"; };
kMDItemTextContent = ("kjhg Plot");
If I search for the display name, I find it no problem with spotlight, but if I search for say 'kjhg' in the text content, it doesn't find anything. It doesn't work from the GUI, and also not with the mdfind command:
mdfind "kMDItemTextContent == '*kjhg*'"
What am I missing?