Hi, All
I did my receive package as this, 1. open socket 2. bind . 3 receive package. But I can not get any packets from the opened socket by Airport Extreme card. The AP has sent many BROADCAST packets at the same time, I've caught them on the PC system. On the other side, I can send package successfully by this way. I't s very strange.
This is my action,
1. open socket // successfully fd_recv = socket(AF_NDRV, SOCK_RAW, 0x0);//decided by the hardware
2. bind // successfully strcpy(gEnetDataPtr->saddr.sa_data, gedata[gCurrEnetEntry].bsdName); gEnetDataPtr->saddr.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); gEnetDataPtr->saddr.sa_family = AF_NDRV; err = bind(gEnetDataPtr->fd_recv, &(gEnetDataPtr->saddr), sizeof(gEnetDataPtr->saddr));
3. receive data // always get 0 bytes int nFlag = MSG_TRUNC|= MSG_DONTWAIT;
fd_set set; struct timeval tout;
addrlen = sizeof(m_bEtherNetData->saddr); memset(&m_bEtherNetData->saddr,0, addrlen); tout.tv_sec =0; tout.tv_usec = 500000; //decided by the hardware
FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(m_bEtherNetData->fd_recv, &set); if(select(m_bEtherNetData->fd_recv + 1 , &set, NULL, NULL, &tout)> 0 && FD_ISSET(m_bEtherNetData->fd_recv, &set)) { nRead = recvfrom(m_bEtherNetData->fd_recv, pRxPackage->PacketBuffer, pRxPackage->PacketBufferLength, nFlag , &(m_bEtherNetData->saddr), &addrlen); fprintf (stderr, "receive package OK, get %d byetes ... \n", nRead); }else { nRead = -1; fprintf (stderr, "receive package error ...\n"); }
I do not know what wrong it is, and I run the BSDLLC example, it can not get any packet too.
Does anyone know what else should I do ? Any suggestion is grateful!
Best regards, Robin |