Seems simple, doesn't it?
I've reconstructed the fetch and syntax in EOM and reflected changes in code and in WOB; now the fetch values populate the array (popup) correctly, and shows values in the popup correctly.
Now, a new entry gets inserted correctly (all text fields), excepting the value chosen from the popup list. It gets set to null. So, I need to figure out why the selected popup value is not set correctly, even if a value is chosen. It always goes to null. Since I'm populating the popup from a fetch, do I need to write a takeValueForKey statement?
displayString: testTypeEnumerator.testType item: testTypeEnumerator list: testList noSelectionString: "Choose one!" selection: newTestsEntry.testType
public WOComponent addTest() { EOEditingContext ec = session().defaultEditingContext(); ec.insertObject(newTestsEntry); System.out.println("Saving new Test" + newTestsEntry); ec.saveChanges(); newTestsEntry = new Tests(); return context().page(); }
Thanks, jeremy |