Hello all who are helping me in this trouble.
Thank you for all support
We are in right direction but there is still encoding problems, I'm trying everything.
Now I'm trying STEP STEP bug finding, starting with outputting fo a file the serialized EORecord
public pdfScheda xmlpdf() throws Exception { pdfScheda nextPage = (pdfScheda)pageWithName("pdfScheda"); String myXml = XMLSerializer.serializeProduct(theProduct); System.out.println("JUST SERIALIZED: "+myXml);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/mainXml.xml"); out.write(myXml.getBytes("UTF-8")); out.flush(); out.close(); return nextPage; }
file is written to hd, but is NOT utf-8 If you open it with BBedit it renders ok because of UTF-8 xml declaration, but is bad opeding with pico
public static String serializeProduct(product aProduct) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { // Create a stream to the output file.
BufferedOutputStream byte_output_stream = new BufferedOutputStream(out); NSXMLOutputStream stream = new NSXMLOutputStream(byte_output_stream);
// Set the format of the output document (XML). NSXMLOutputFormat format = new NSXMLOutputFormat(true);
format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // turn indentation on stream.setOutputFormat(format); // app
// Serialize data to object output stream. stream.writeObject(aProduct);
stream.flush(); stream.close(); byte_output_stream.close();
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return out.toString("UTF-8");
XMLSerializer.serialize methid here:
public static String serializeProduct(product aProduct) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { // Create a stream to the output file.
BufferedOutputStream byte_output_stream = new BufferedOutputStream(out); NSXMLOutputStream stream = new NSXMLOutputStream(byte_output_stream);
// Set the format of the output document (XML). NSXMLOutputFormat format = new NSXMLOutputFormat(true);
format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // turn indentation on stream.setOutputFormat(format); // app
// Serialize data to object output stream. stream.writeObject(aProduct);
stream.flush(); stream.close(); byte_output_stream.close();
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
FileOutputStream justSerializedXml = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/justSerializedXml.xml"); justSerializedXml.write(out.toByteArray()); justSerializedXml.close();
return out.toString("UTF-8"); }
also file /tmp/justSerializedXml.xml is lookong bad.
Regards Amedeo
On 11/ott/06, at 00:42, Travis Cripps wrote: Amadeo,
Hi. I created a sample project from your files, and was initially getting the same result, with the characters in the file resulting from your transform being messed up.
I changed all instances of String -> byte[] and byte[] -> String conversions to specify the character encoding and the resulting xml was perfect.
The basic changes were to read the xml and xsl into Strings like this:
String sourceXML = null; byte[] bytes = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().bytesForResourceNamed("sourceXML.xml", null, null); try { sourceXML = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { uee.printStackTrace(); }
and to get the result of the transformation like this:
try { result = ((ByteArrayOutputStream)((StreamResult) output).getOutputStream()).toString("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { uee.printStackTrace(); }
Have a great day.
On Oct 10, 2006, at 3:36 AM, Amedeo Mantica wrote:
Thank you for reply and collaboration
here the link for dile downloads
the sourceXML is the XML data grabbed from database (using WebObjects's NSXMLOutputStream) the file is perfect. (some /u000d for CR/LF, but I think is ok)
the SimpleTrasformation.xls is an Apple provided XLST file for removing unuseful data and simplyfing the XML file.
the destinationXML file is the result of sourceXML trasformed using SimpleTrasformation.xml myTrasformer.java is the routine that do the XSLT trasformation.
see the accented letters in destinationXML file...