On Nov 4, 2009, at 9:23 AM, laurent Cros wrote:
I am using eclipse 3.3.2 on a windows platform
The wolips version is 3.3.5485
Ah ha! Theres the problem.
Note the first Prerequisite on the page I directed you to: "
Eclipse 3.4 & WOLips 5640 or later installed
Everything I've been saying about how easy servlet development is, is because WOLips 3.4.5640 and later (aka "New Hotness" - Which requires Eclipse 3.4.2) have substantially revised servlet, framework-embedding and classpath-management functionality.
New Hotness is pretty-much a mandatory upgrade. If you aren't using it (It's been around as Stable for almost a year now) then there's few people here that can help, because, as you are learning, servlet stuff was pretty bad before. It will probably take you longer to make servlets work out of 3.3 than the upgrade process will take you.
De : David Avendasora [mailto:email@hidden]
Envoyé : mercredi 4 novembre 2009 15:12
À : laurent Cros
Cc : WebObjects-Dev Mailing List List
Objet : Re: WEBINFROOT changes make no effects
On Nov 4, 2009, at 8:36 AM, laurent Cros wrote:
David can you send me your web.xml file (from your linux platform) please.
I don't touch the web.xml file that is created by Ant when my project is built. It doesn't matter which platform I'm deploying to. I take the war file and drop it into Tomcat on Mac or Windows and it just works. It's been over a year since I dropped it into Tomcat on Linux, but it did run.
It's very strange, it's there a file to set the platform we use,
No. In this situation, Java is Java and Tomcat is Tomcat. The platform is irrelevant (in my experience) when simply running one instance of a WO app in a servlet container.
I am using ERExtension framework, and it's appears nowhere in my war.
Which version of Eclipse/WOLips are you running?
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