On Aug 25, 2006, at 12:38 PM, Roland Silver wrote:
Can someone suggest a tutorial or example of the use of @try, @catch, @throw, @finally, in Objective-C, other than the Apple document "Exception Handling and Thread Synchronization"?
NSString *stringOne = @"One";
NSString *stringTwo = @"Two";
@try {
[stringOne appendString:stringTwo];
} @catch (id theException) {
NSLog(@"%@ doesn't respond to appendString:!", [stringOne class]);
} @finally {
NSLog(@"This always happens.");
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Test"
reason:@"Testing the @throw directive." userInfo:nil];
In the "@catch" block, "theException" will point to an NSException that describes the exception that was caught. The "@finally" block will always be executed, whether an exception was thrown or not. Normally you would use "@finally" to clean up any objects you created in the try "@try" block.
The "@throw" directive does the same thing as "[myException throw]".
You also need to enable these options in your build settings. In Xcode, check the "Enable Objective-C Exceptions" box in your target's build settings. With GCC, you need to use the "-fobjc-exceptions" flag.