I write a custom class which has two
The interface looks like this:
@interface CustomCellArray:NSCell
NSMutableArray *
in this array cells, it contains two NSPopupButtonCells. I
embed this custom cell CustomCellArray in the column B of a
It works well to show the two NSPopupButtonCells, and
respond to the mouse events.
But I have problems when add accessibility support for
this kind of custom cell.
I override the NSTalbeView's -
(id)accessibilityHitTest:(NSPoint)point like this. the uiElements is an array
hosted in the NSTableView. the FauxUIElement has adopted the NSAccessibility
(id)accessibilityHitTest:(NSPoint)point { id result = [super
accessibilityHitTest:point]; NSPoint windowPoint = [[self window]
convertScreenToBase:point]; NSPoint localPoint = [self
convertPoint:windowPoint fromView:nil]; NSInteger row = [self
rowAtPoint:localPoint]; NSInteger col = [self
columnAtPoint:localPoint]; if(col == 1 &&row
>= 0) //hit the valid row and the customized
column { if(uiElements ==
nil) { FauxUIElement
* ele1 = [FauxUIElement elementWithRole:NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole parent:
self]; FauxUIElement
* ele2 = [FauxUIElement elementWithRole:NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole parent:
self]; uiElements
= [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:ele1, ele2,
nil]; } NSRect cellFrame = [self
frameOfCellAtColumn:col row: row]; NSRect
cell1 = cellFrame; cell1.size.width =
cellFrame.size.width * 0.6; NSRect cell2
= cellFrame; cell2.origin.x =
cell1.origin.x +
cell1.size.width; cell2.size.width =
cellFrame.size.width * 0.4;
if(NSPointInRect(localPoint, cell1))
//check whether it hits the first popupcell or the second
one. return
[uiElements objectAtIndex:0]; else
cell2)) return
[uiElements objectAtIndex:1]; } return result; }
but when I use the