Hi All,
I am trying to implement a text view that allows the user to flick up/down to achieve custom behavior while VO is on. According to the docs I have seen, I should be able to do this with the code below. However, the only NSLog statement that fires is the "Became Focused". If I perform a flick up/down while the text view has focus, the default VO action of moving forward/back by a word (or whatever the rotor is set to) is executed instead of my override code.
Can anyone offer suggestions of where I am going wrong here?
This is my first post to this group, so if you need anything in addition to this info, just let me know!
#import "VBTextView.h"
@implementation VBTextView
- (void)accessibilityIncrement { NSLog(@"In Accessibility code"); }
- (void)accessibilityDecrement { NSLog(@"In Accessibility code"); }
-(BOOL)accessibilityScroll:(UIAccessibilityScrollDirection)direction { NSLog(@"Scrolling"); return true; }
- (void)accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused { NSLog(@"Became Focused"); }
- (UIAccessibilityTraits)accessibilityTraits { return [super accessibilityTraits] || UIAccessibilityTraitAdjustable; }
-(BOOL)isAccessibilityElement { return YES; }