Hi All,
I’m experiencing a problem when trying to use the Carbon API to output speech from an OBJ-C project. The project is a small, command-Line tool used to test my synthesizer.
I have tried to output to the system selected synthesizer in System Preferences -> Dictation and Speech, but I get no sound output. Both calls to the API return 0, indicating that there was no error.
I have tried selecting MacinTalk synthesizers as well as my own, without success.
I am using Xcode 6.1 with VoiceOver on Yosemite.
SpeechChannel curChannel;
NSLog( @"Open: %ld",NewSpeechChannel(NULL, &curChannel));
CFStringRef hello = CFSTR("hello world, how are you doing today");
NSLog( @"Speak: %ld",SpeakCFString(curChannel, hello, NULL)); NSLog(@"Hello, World!");
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Regards, Alex,