buttons when choosing from a list
buttons when choosing from a list
- Subject: buttons when choosing from a list
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 06:57:10 +0000
I would like to be able to set the buttons text when asking the user to
select from a list.
Its probably something simple , but I cannot remember for the life of me
how to do it-
with properties (sanity:losing it , bank holiday:"very soon")
--begin script
property choosenThings : ""
on run
tell application "Finder"
set welcome to "Choose the desired items from the list . (Use the
Command (b) key for multiple items.)"
copy every folder of (every disk) to flderlist
copy (choose from list flderlist with prompt welcome & return B,
& return default items choosenThings with multiple
selections allowed without empty selection allowed) to choosenThings
if (choosenThings is not false) then
repeat with z in choosenThings
display dialog "You selected " & z giving up after 2
end repeat
end if
end tell
end run
--end script
Peter James - Sophos Plc
System Developer
Peter James System Developer Sophos Anti-Virus
email: email@hidden
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