Re: scripting Photoshop
Re: scripting Photoshop
- Subject: Re: scripting Photoshop
- From: Bill Cheeseman <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:21:07 -0500
on 12/12/00 2:27 PM, Leonard Rosenthol at email@hidden wrote:
>> This is actually Cal's fault more than Adobe's.
> So Cal thwarted built-in Applescript support in one of the most popular
> graphics applications for Mac so that he would be able to continue charging
> $300+ for his third-party app.
Please, guys, don't get carried away. That's like saying Adobe thwarted
built-in functionality on one of the most popular OS's just so it could
continue charging a hefty price for its third-party apps (ATM, Photoshop,
GoLive, whatever).
Third-party apps and utilities are called "products." Apple goes out of its
way to leave room for third-party product opportunities, and Adobe did the
same here. In both cases, for sound, self-interested business reasons. Cal,
as a purveyor of third-party products, is no different in this respect than
Adobe, Aladdin Systems, WestCode and so on. He has a product to sell, and a
potential competitor found it useful to leave him room to do so.
If it weren't for third-party products, there wouldn't be much we could do
with our Macs, because Apple couldn't be counted on to produce all of the
wonderful third-party products we use every day. I credit what Leonard says
about Adobe's consideration of AppleScript support for Photoshop, since he
was there and they've recently begun doing well by AppleScript. But given
Adobe's record at the time, one certainly couldn't have guaranteed it would
actually have decided to implement AppleScript support In Photoshop itself.
Cal actually did produce the product, and as a result we now _know_ we can
script Photoshop.
Do we have to pay for it? Sure. I hope we've gotten beyond the
all-software-should-be-free thing. How would programmers eat?
This isn't aimed at you, Leonard. I just happened in on this thread when
yours was the most recent post. -- But I'll admit that your "Yup!" caught my
eye. ;-)
Bill Cheeseman, Quechee, Vermont <
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