Re: problem using Applescript with Excel
Re: problem using Applescript with Excel
- Subject: Re: problem using Applescript with Excel
- From: nellA hciR <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:45:41 -0900
-- not sure if this will help you ...
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set x to Value of Cell "$A$1"
end tell
display dialog x as string
-- hcir
set var1 to 1
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
Select Sheet "Sheet3"
Select Range "R1C13"
set CutCopyMode to false
CopyObject Selection
set var2 to the clipboard
end tell
--now do something else
if var1 = var2 then
display dialog ("blah")
display dialog ("blahblah")
end if