Re: I've changed the name of a file - now how do I get at path to the new name?
Re: I've changed the name of a file - now how do I get at path to the new name?
- Subject: Re: I've changed the name of a file - now how do I get at path to the new name?
- From: Richard 23 <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 02:02:53 -0800
I've got a variable (vPathName) that contains a reference (i.e. path) to
a file:
--> file "Work:DMS Group:Database:Test Images:xxx.jpg"
I can change the name of the file by:
set the name of vPathName to "NewFileName"
great, however the variable still contains the path to the old file name.
How do I get the path to the newly renamed file?
I need it to put back into the database (FileMaker) where I got the
original pathname, so that it will point to the correct (i.e. renamed)
Here's a couple of handlers (and a property) I rarely do without:
(obfuscation fans should enjoy bits of this)
property |t/d|: a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- extracts name from path string
on GetName(filePath)
set {|t/d|'s contents} to {":"}
set filePath to filePath as string
set {|t/d|'s contents} to {"", filePath's text item |?|(filePath ends
with ":", -2, -1)}
result's end
end GetName
-- splits path string to {path to parent folder, name}
on SplitPath(filePath)
set {|t/d|'s contents} to {":"}
set filePath to filePath as string
tell filePath to if it ends with ":" then set filePath to text 1 thru
if (count filePath's text items) = 1 then set filePath to filePath &
":" & filePath
tell filePath's text items to set {|t/d|'s contents} to {"", items 1
thru -2 & "" as string, end}
rest of result
end SplitPath
-- poor man's ternary, useful only if expressions are short and fast
because both
-- are evaluated before this handler actually is called
on |?|(|boolean|, ifTrue, ifFalse)
log |boolean|
if |boolean| = true or |boolean| is not equal to false then
end if
end |?|
Given that you have these handlers in the script you could then get the
new path with:
set {folderPath, oldName} to SplitPath(vPathName)
tell application "Finder" to set the name of alias vPathName to
set vPathName to folderPath & newFileName
or if you don't do this sort of thing very often and don't need the
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
if vPathName ends with ":" then set vPathName to vPathName's text 1 thru
tell application "Finder" to set the name of alias vPathName to
set vPathName to vPathName's text items 1 thru -2 & newFileName as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
That should cover it.
Look for exciting methods like this and many others on my little
Of the "One Step Beyond" site, AppleScript luminary Walter Ian Kaye
"Is it some kind of Zen puzzle? Please fix."