Re: Email auto-notification script
Re: Email auto-notification script
- Subject: Re: Email auto-notification script
- From: Johan Solve <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 01:13:47 +0100
Have you tried using Eudora's "Start Notify" command to make Eudora
notify your applet?
start notifying: Notify an application of things that happen
start notifying reference -- an application to notify
[when mail arrives/mail sent/will connect/has connected/has
manually filtered] -- what to notify the application of
Also, why are you telling Finder to activate? Wasn't the point to pop
up a dialog without interrupting what you're doing?
I'm trying to have Applescript display a dialog on top of the
current application whenever new mail is received in Eudora (running
in the background). I have the dialog set up to display the sender
name and subject and give the user the choice to either "Read" (and
switch to Eudora) or "Ignore" (and remain where they are). However,
I can't seem to figure out how to make the dialog appear
automatically whenever Eudora checks for and receives new mail. Any
ideas? Here's the script:
tell application "Eudora Pro"
set mysubject to subject of last message of mailbox "In"
set mysender to sender of last message of mailbox "In"
set mynotify to "Incoming Email..." & return & return & "From: " &
mysender & return & "Subject: " & mysubject
tell application "Finder"
display dialog mynotify with icon 1 buttons {"Read", "Ignore"}
default button 2
if result is {button returned:"Read"} then tell application "Eudora Pro"
end tell
end tell
end tell
Eric Waters
Systems Trainer - OICPS
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory - SEDL
Austin, Texas 78701
512-476-6861 ext. 329
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Johan Svlve
FileMaker and Lasso Systems Developer
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