(no subject)
(no subject)
- Subject: (no subject)
- From: jc <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 13:54:29 -0800
I get a bunch of downloaded text files every day. I have a
master list of 100 files that may be downloaded. However, only 8 to
10 are downloaded per day.
I have a question about how to handle items in a list that do
not exist. In the following script, I try to delete each file in the
list, but sometimes "file1", for example, will not be in the folder.
An error crops up and stops the repeat loop before all the items in
the list are tried.
Is there any way to handle the error that crops up so that the
repeat loop handles the error then simply goes on to try the next
item in the list for existence and so on, for each item in the list?
I guess I'm looking for a "resume" type of statement. I tried the
Language Guide but didn't see anything relevant.
tell application "Finder"
set i to 1
set FilesToDelete to {file "file1" of folder "JoansFolder"
of startup disk, file ,
"file2" of folder "JoansFolder" of startup
disk} as list
set FileCount to length of FilesToDelete
repeat with i from 1 to FileCount
delete item i in FilesToDelete
on error number errNum
if errNum = -1728 then
display dialog "Joan screwed up
again. The error ,
number is: " & errNum buttons {"AAAHHH!"}
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell