Re: Default Folder
Re: Default Folder
- Subject: Re: Default Folder
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 15:05:28 EDT
In a message dated 4/1/01 1:23:06 AM, Robert Kyle wrote:
In a message dated 3/31/2001: email@hidden wrote
>I just upgraded from Default Folder 3.07 to 3.1 (because it's *always*
>a good idea to upgrade to the latest version of anything) last week
>and hadn't noticed that little goody.
>Having been a happy owner and user of Default Folder (
>for several years, I wholeheartedly endorse it. It is a phenomenal time
>save/frustration reducer, is actively supported, and works fine in the
>Classic environment of OSX. I really miss the Default Folder control strip
>module in OSX (heck, I miss the control strip period). I hope it gets
>for OSX soon.
But have you been able to actually use the scripting addition? My experience
is that it works OK when the script is run from a script editor (Scripter
OMM) but not when its part as an applet. v3.1 might be a little better (I
only downloaded the demo yesterday), but I still get freezeups when I try
connect to folders on or network.
Maybe I'm just using it incorrectly:
property theFolder : (path to desktop)
SetFileDialogFolder theFolder
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select a subfolder")
display dialog (theFolder as string) & " is the new default folder." buttons
The second time you run it, the dialog should open in whatever directory you
selected the first time. But I get intermittent system freezes (OS 9.0.4)
"hadn't noticed that little goody" = "haven't really used that little goody"
My endorsement was for Default Folder the control panel/shareware app, not
the scripting addition per se. If you are having freezes, I suggest upgrading
to MacOS 9.1. I also suggest contacting Jon Gotow (the creator of Default
Folder) <email@hidden> to report the problem (if you mention my
name, tell him I do plan to purchase that10 pack!).
In digging thru my email, I see that I contacted Jon one year ago requesting
the exact feature we are discussing, and he indicated he was working on a
scripting addition. Clearly, he follows thru on his commitments.
Jeff Baumann