Re: Admin
Re: Admin
- Subject: Re: Admin
- From: Paul Berkowitz <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 19:23:29 -0700
On 4/2/01 6:35 PM, "Ric Phillips" <email@hidden> wrote:
Just my 2 cents worth...
I often don't reply to posts (where I have a potential answer) because my
posts show up days after the northern hemisphere ones, but which time a
question has usually been answered five or six times anyway. I also have to
wait quite some time for any answers to my own questions to come back.
American Imperialism??
No, just the way the server has been misbehaving. One of my messages took 9
hours to show up yesterday, and I live in California.
This is just another facet of an old topic. The Apple list servers seem to
be a fairly low priority. There's lots wrong with them, but there don't seem
to be the resources to do much about it. There appears to be just one person
to look after several servers and 60 or so lists. We periodically get
wrought up about it here (myself very much included), but it hasn't yet
accomplished much except everybody getting worked up even more. They know
about it, and they'll do something about it (maybe) when/if they can.
Getting concerned just seems to be something that leads to nothing but
frustration. The last bout led to direct intervention by the list owner
(just telling us to cool it, basically) so we're in a lull at the moment.
Nobody wants to get all upset again. Naturally, newcomers won't know any of
this, and, just as naturally, get upset at all the things that are wrong
that we already know about.
The great advantage of this list is that Chris Nebel, and sometimes Chris
Espinosa, both of the AppleScript team, participate directly. This is
invaluable. Otherwise almost all the more experienced scripters also
participate on the MacScrpt list, whose server is somewhat better behaved
(somewhat), and has searchable archives. There's more activity here, partly
because more newcomers come here. But it looks like we just have to put up
with all the faulty list mechanism if we want to stay here. There's really
not much point complaining about what's wrong. It will get fixed if/when it
does, and that's all there is to it. Just so you know.
Paul Berkowitz
References: | |
| >Re: Admin (From: Ric Phillips <email@hidden>) |