Re: When did Remote Access Commands get depreciated?
Re: When did Remote Access Commands get depreciated?
- Subject: Re: When did Remote Access Commands get depreciated?
- From: Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:23:44 +0100
"Christopher C. Stone" wrote on Tue, 3 Apr 2001 21:57:51 -0500:
At 04/03/2001 13:28 -0400, Bill Cheeseman wrought:
> ...
> This is also correct. The Status property in Network Setup Scripting is
> broken in Mac OS 9.1.
> So, it's Catch-22. You have to wait for the bug fix, whenever that may be.
On my dial-up system I can look to see if there's an IP address to
determine if I'm connected:
with timeout of 2 seconds
tell application "Network Setup Scripting"
open database
set tcpConfig to name of item 1 of every TCPIP v4 configuration
whose active is true
set ipAddress to IP address of TCPIP v4 configuration tcpConfig
end try
close database
end tell
end timeout
if ipAddress is not "" then
beep 2
end if
This looks like a good workaround!
I've been looking into "Network Setup Scripting" in preparation for the
time when I *have* to upgrade to 9.1 or beyond and I've been appalled at
how cumbersome it is. 'RA Status' produces instant results. "Network
Setup Scripting" takes a second or two just to open and close the
database. Is this really considered a "good idea"?
I notice too that the examples in the AppleScript Guide Book module all
use expressions like:
item 1 of every TCPIP v4 configuration whose active is true
Is there any advantage to using this rather than:
first TCPIP v4 configuration whose active is true