Re: Dismissing Dialog Box
Re: Dismissing Dialog Box
- Subject: Re: Dismissing Dialog Box
- From: Tod Hallberg <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 14:04:23 -0500
- Organization: Monical Pizza Corporation
You could just go into your favorite drive setup program and disable the
"automount" in the device settings.
In the Apple supplied "Drive Setup" you go under the Functions menu to
Customize Volumes and uncheck the box.
David Walsh wrote:
I wrote the script below to run on a machine with two hard drives.
The user wanted the second hard drive to be unmounted on start-up.
The problem is that a dialog box pops up asking if the user
if they want to unmount the hard drive (default button OK).
I have tried MouseClick (Sandi's Additions) but
it does not seem to work the way I have used it.
Hope someone can help me on this.
tell application "Finder"
set somelist to list disks
if "Your Disk" is in somelist then
set thisdisk to "Your Disk"
end if
put away item thisdisk
end tell
MouseClick At {1106, 815}
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