Re: New Folder with date
Re: New Folder with date
- Subject: Re: New Folder with date
- From: "Arthur J Knapp" <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 18:27:21 -0400
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 04:32:14 +0200
From: Sander Tekelenburg <email@hidden>
Subject: Re: New Folder with date
> But I want to return the month as a number and not a name.
Shamelessly copied from <>:
Wow, what a great faq!!! :)
set theDate to the current date
copy theDate to b
set the month of b to January
set monthNum to (1 + (theDate - b + 1314864) div 2629728)
There's something clever going on there, but my math sucks. So hopefully
someone else can explain this little gem.
You mean that do don't automatically recognize the number of seconds in
one twelfth of a solar year??? What planet are you from???
Arthur J. Knapp
Hey, check out: