Re: Scripting Graphic Converter batch droplet
Re: Scripting Graphic Converter batch droplet
- Subject: Re: Scripting Graphic Converter batch droplet
- From: Shane Stanley <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 08:05:14 +1000
On 18/4/01 6:19 AM +1000, T.J. Mahaffey, email@hidden, wrote:
Ok, folks. I'm only posting his after pushing myself to baldness.
What the heck am I doing wrong here?
on open (fileList)
tell application "GraphicConverter PPC"
repeat with thisFile in fileList
set resolution of window (thisFile as alias) to {72, 72}
end repeat
end tell
end open
You're not opening the file (or saving/closing it when you finish). Try
on open fileList
tell application "GraphicConverter"
repeat with thisFile in fileList
open (thisFile as text) -- GC seems to insist on plain paths
set resolution of window 1 to {72, 72}
close window 1 saving yes
end repeat
end tell
end open
Shane Stanley, email@hidden