Re: Random number generator without duplicates?
Re: Random number generator without duplicates?
- Subject: Re: Random number generator without duplicates?
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:44:04 -0700
>>>In this case, there is a HUGE difference between the false concept and
the real concept of "random". Indeed, it's hard enough to produce random
numbers even when you understand the concept. A "script that produces a
list of 6 numbers that are not repeated and fall between 1 and 56" may well
be a worthwhile objective, but it has nothing to do with randomization.
Believe otherwise at your peril.
Those elements can be selected using random numbers and the result is
consistent with the concept of "random". The goal is to select a set of
numbers at random from a larger set without duplicating. Well, if each
number is removed from the larger set when it is selected, then the next
number is simply selected at random from a smaller set of numbers. Each
number is selected at random from a set of numbers which, by definition is
perfectly valid randomization.
>>I can't believe how much controversy can arise over a simple semantic
issue.without further adieu, i would like to introduce a new word that I
have become quite fond of: "randomish."
Before we all go penciling "randomish" into our dictionaries remember a few
of things...
First, the verb"randomize" and the noun "randomization" both apply to the
concept of selecting from group of objects in random order and/or shuffling
a group of ordered objects into a random order.
Second, it's either random, which means, in this case, with no bias or
filtering factors so that every number has an equal probablility of being
selected, or it's not. There is no 'ish'. The word 'randomish' would be
the equivalent of 'perfectish'. The word would be mutually exclusive from
its own definition.
Third, while the statisticians' definition of Random might be very narrow
and not include the concepts mentioned here, the plain english definition
of random applies and is perfectly valid.