Re: trouble making folder action...
Re: trouble making folder action...
- Subject: Re: trouble making folder action...
- From: "Bob.Kalbaugh" <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 14:30:29 -0500
on 12/20/01 1:59 PM, Bob.Kalbaugh at email@hidden wrote:
> on 12/20/01 1:06 PM, Bret Linford at email@hidden wrote:
> For some reason I can't save this as a folder action with the little
> 'arrow/script' icon and because of that I con't attach it to a folder. What
> am I doing wrong?
I'm not clear on what you are saying.
BONK! Re-reading your post was like getting hit on the head with a hammer.
It's now clear as a bell (and hurts too.) You're trying to save your script
as a droplet! Droplets cannot be attached as folder actions. Save it as a
compiled script and things should be fine.
Scripts become droplets when they include code that has an 'on open
handler', and are saved as applications, eg:
on open theFile
-- do something with theFile
end open
Ouch! Sorry.