Re: Pictures in FileMaker Pro
Re: Pictures in FileMaker Pro
- Subject: Re: Pictures in FileMaker Pro
- From: Ehsan Saffari <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 08:33:02 -0600
The way to do what you want to do is to convert the JPEG to PICT (Akua
etc.), read the PICT into a variable and set the container to the var,
then you can delete both JPEG & PICT. Or you can copy the JPEG to
clipboard (which converts is it to PICT) and paste into the container.
AFAIK it is not possible to directly "store" a JPEG in FMP via AS, you
can only set a refernce to it, as your code does.
"Store Compatiable Graphics" doc pref is for stored images, not image
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001 09:04:35 -0500 "Bourque, Jason" <email@hidden>
I am trying to put a jpeg image into a FileMaker Pro Database container
field and keep it there. This isn't a problem but then when I delete the
actual jpeg file FileMaker Pro gives me an error "Could not draw picture
file: 000008.jpg" when it was just drawing fine before I deleted the file.
I have the document preference "Store Compatible Graphics" checked.
Is there a way to keep the jpeg in there all the time, I am pretty sure that
jpeg is a compatible graphic?
This is the AppleScript I am using which works fine to get the jpg in the
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
set jpgFilePath to (text 1 thru -5 of thisItem) & ".jpg"
create new record at end of layout "Data Input" of database previewDatabase
set newRecord2Ref to result
set data cell "Preview Pict" of newRecord2Ref to (file jpgFilePath)
end tell
Jason Bourque
MFS Investment Management