Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
- Subject: Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 10:38:25 -0800
At 4:49 +0100 5/02/01, Richard 23 wrote:
Simply by duplicating the osax file, copying the unique resources from
an empty applet shell into the copy, changing it's file type to APPL
and then running Applet Binder on it...blammo! Instant scriptable
application which can be addressed using tell statements rather than
letting them extend coercions and terminology globally. I have tried
this with several and have had no problems whatsoever.
I really like the sounds of this. Although I'm not sure the mechanism for
builing them is that great, the idea that all the Osax commands we need
could be installed in a FBA and accessible with a simple Tell app
statement would be way cool. I thought Apple was moving this direction and
infact there are FBA's with commands as part of the system.
>Emmanuel>>Are there many Scripting Additions which allow such operations
in their distribution licence?
Well I for one wish that SA developers would release FBA versions of their
additions. That would be a good thing.