Re: Scripting Eudora
Re: Scripting Eudora
- Subject: Re: Scripting Eudora
- From: Bill Briggs <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 00:34:23 -0300
At 10:14 PM -0600 06/02/01, Christopher C. Stone wrote:
Eudora is certainly not the easiest application to learn to script;
it's AppleScript implementation is a bit idiosyncratic.
That's an understatement. I told him that it could lead to a serious
drinking problem. :)
You cannot do as you desire with AppleScript, because Eudora does
not offer whose clauses, nor does it make any of it's filter
commands available through AS.
And doesn't that just rot your socks!
You could loop through every message in a given mailbox and move it
according to it's status, but this would be a bit cumbersome and
time consuming.
It is indeed time consuming, but it will get the job done.
The simplest way to do as you wish is to option-click a read
message's status column to group and select all read messages and
manually press command-J.
Amen to keyboard shortcuts. Eudora is packed with them - mercifully.
Note that anything you've replied to or forwarded will have a
different status and will not be grouped with the read mail.
I know it's ugly, but it works. Unless they changed it in version 5.
I'm still using 4.3.3. This script makes me cringe, but gets around
the limitations of Eudora's scripting support (one of which is the
inability to address messages by an index).
- web
tell application "Eudora"
set theBox to a reference to mailbox "AppleScript Inbox" of mail folder ""
set the messageCount to count of messages of theBox
repeat with i from messageCount to 1 by -1
if the status of first message of theBox is not unread then
move (first message of theBox) to (end of mailbox "the destination
box" of mail folder "")
move (first message of theBox) to (end of theBox)
end if
end repeat
end tell