Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
- Subject: Re: Metamorphosax! (revisited)
- From: Chris Nebel <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 11:45:08 -0800
- Organization: Apple Computer, Inc.
David Blache wrote:
on 2/6/2001 3:34 PM, email@hidden (email@hidden) wrote:
> You know, if we think about OS X and appleScript it's pretty easy to
> imagine Osax developers like Jon Pugh and the Tanaka and the AKUA people
> who came to AppleScript's rescue before we had a scriptable finder stepping
> in once again to save the day with a collection of FBA's containing all the
> commands we need until the Finder team and all the other Apple teams get on
> board with AppleScript!
Yep - I say bring it on. I would hope these guys are considering moving
most or all of their stuff to Mac OS X. I'm personally going to try to do
what I can to port FindFile and other scripting additions to Mac OS X. Now
is definitely a great time to let scripting addition authors know what
features you need/want in Mac OS X.
For those implementors listening, the porting process for scripting additions is
described in the developer release notes for AppleScript
(/Developer/Documentation/ReleaseNotes/AppleScript.html.) Basically, you make
your addition native as described in Tech Note #1164, then link to CarbonLib
instead of InterfaceLib. Pretty simple, really.
If you want to be *really* native and use Project Builder and be a package and
use Mach-O, there are a couple of additional steps that I have yet to document
formally. If anyone's interested, mail me and I'll tell you how to do it.
--Chris Nebel
AppleScript Engineering