Re: Get info without opening a file
Re: Get info without opening a file
- Subject: Re: Get info without opening a file
- From: David Lloyd <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 20:54:55 +1100
Jan Machalek wrote:
Is there a way of getting informations (details) from a file without
physically opening the file. Let me clarify... For example, is there a way
of knowing resolution, color space, height and width, etc. of an EPS file
without physically opening it in Photoshop?
There are ways to retrieve this info from a Photoshop eps via AppleScript.
If this doesn't translate across the internet successfully, I can send it to
via seperate email if you like...
global theData, boundsAcross
copy (choose file of type "EPSF") to theFile
open for access theFile
copy (read theFile for 1000) to theData
if character 1 of theData = "%" then
close access theFile
else --tif preview
copy (read theFile for 300000) to theData
close access theFile
copy (offset of "%%Creator" in theData) to x
end if
copy (offset of "%Image
Data:" in theData) to theOffset
if theOffset 0 then
copy characters (theOffset + 12) thru (theOffset + 50) in theData as
string to x
copy "" to theData
copy word 1 of x as real to theWidth
copy word 2 of x as real to theHeight
copy word 3 of x as real to numComponents
copy word 4 of x as real to theMode -- bitsPerComponent
copy word 5 of x as real to multipleDataSources -- 1 = true, 0 = false
copy word 6 of x as real to theColumns --imagewidth, but 1 if jpeg
encoding [imagematix?]
copy word 7 of x as real to q -- ?
if theColumns = 1 then display dialog "JPEG encoded"
copy (round (theWidth / boundsAcross * 720) rounding to nearest) / 10 to
if theMode = 4 then
copy "CMYK" to theMode
else if theMode = 3 then
copy "RGB" to theMode
else if theMode = 1 and numComponents = 8 then
copy "Grayscale" to theMode
else if theMode = 1 and numComponents = 1 then
copy "Line" to theMode
end if
copy theMode & return & theRes & return & theWidth & return & theHeight
as string to x
copy "Vector eps" to x
end if
display dialog x buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon 1
on doGetPSInfo()
copy (offset of "%%HiResBoundingBox:" in theData) to o
copy characters (o + 20) thru (o + 60) in theData as string to x
copy word 3 of x as real to boundsAcross
--copy word 4 of x as real to boundsDown
on error
copy (offset of "%%BoundingBox:" in theData) to o
copy characters (o + 15) thru (o + 55) in theData as string to x
copy word 3 of x as real to boundsAcross
--copy word 4 of x as real to boundsDown
end try
end doGetPSInfo
David Lloyd
email: email@hidden