Re: Help needed AS & PhotoScripter.
Re: Help needed AS & PhotoScripter.
- Subject: Re: Help needed AS & PhotoScripter.
- From: Paul Skinner <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 18:17:43 -0500
Just a note. Your current date is in the year 2000. I almost didn't see
your post at the bottom of my mail.
I note that Steve Goodman has posted a reply that indicates that this
can be done without PhotoScripter. True. Use PhotoScripter anyway. You've
paid for it and you need to work with it to get familiar with it.
As for your problem. I think you have a couple different issues. the
color mode is "CMYK mode" and you are trying to save 'process image' when it
is a file reference.
This works here. I hope it helps...
--begin script
tell application "Finder"
set filelist to list folder "hardDrive:to process:" without invisibles
end tell
repeat with x from 1 to the length of filelist
set currentfilename to item x of filelist
--the following line wraps.
set currentfileref to ("hardDrive:to process:" & currentfilename) as
--the following line wraps.
set newfileref to ("hardDrive: processed:" & (currentfilename as text))
as text
tell application "Adobe. Photoshop. 6.0"
set currentfileid to open file currentfileref
set cs to the color space of the current document
if cs is not "CMYK mode" then
convert the current document to CMYK mode
end if
--the following line wraps.
save the current document as JPEG {image quality:10} in file
newfileref with appending file extension
close the current document saving no
end tell
end repeat
--end script
Although under PS 6.0, I also get a temporary file generated that I didn't
get under 5.5.Hmmmmmm.
Well good luck with your script and congratulations on keeping your
Paul Skinner
From: "J. Kiely Jr." <email@hidden>
Reply-To: "J. Kiely Jr." <email@hidden>
Date: 14 Jun 2000 16:15:16 -0400
To: <email@hidden>
Subject: Help needed AS & PhotoScripter.
A real newbie in a bind...
So I sold the powers that be on using staying with Macs for use
as a production
machine with Photoshop and PhotScripter processing RGB's into
CMYK's for
pre-press production. I have grand designs on how I want the
script to go but
I am really going by the seat of my pants and running low on
time to justify
all the cash laid down for this setup. (The new system goes live
To start with I simply want to recursively open a list of files
in a folder and
save them to a different folder. Later I plan to convert and
manipulate the
images based on parameters I define, but right now I am stuck on
I know must be so basic that I'm pulling my hair out....
My script...
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file in folder "ImagesHD:photos"
end tell
repeat with processImage in fileList
tell application "Adobe. Photoshop. 6.0"
open processImage
tell the current document
if its color space is not CMYK mode then
convert it to CMYK mode
end if
save processImage as JPEG {image quality:10} in
"ImagesHD:finis" ,
with appending file extension
close it saving no
end tell
end tell
end repeat
The current result....
Can't make +class JPEG; {+class qltI;:10} of +class curD; of
application "Adobe. Photoshop. 6.0" into the expected type.
I was up rather late messing with this so I have lost all
perspective any
and all tips, pointers, places to look are most welcome.
Thank you.
J. K I E L Y J R.
Staff Photographer
The Enterprise
60 Main Street
Brockton, MA 02303
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