Re: AS 1.6?
Re: AS 1.6?
- Subject: Re: AS 1.6?
- From: cheshirekat <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:46:52 -0700
On 02-16-2001 0849, Arthur J Knapp may have typed or relayed in full or
in part ...
> Subject: Re: AS 1.6?
> Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 17:48:22 -0800
> From: Michelle Steiner <email@hidden>
> Will the Script Editor ever get drag-and-drop editing capability?
Personally, I have never cared for drag and drop text. I find that
I end up moving text around without meaning to, (ie: d/d text editing
makes it difficult for me to perform quick text selection).
That is why I appreciate sophisticated Macintosh applications like
BBEdit and Script Debugger 2.0, which have a toggle-preference for
turning drag/drop text off.
Arthur J Knapp
Wow. I find that it is very uncomfortable trying to work on my Mac
without drag and drop. On a daily basis I need to get text from several
different scripts and apps while modifying and creating scripts.
Utilizing drag and drop means that I can preserve the contents of my
clipboard until I'm ready to use the contents - instead of losing them to
constant copy and pasting. I remember creating a lot of AppleScripts that
utilized the clipboard when I first started scripting - now I'm loathe to
have anything tamper with my precious clipboard!
(I can't say this is the same for using a pc. At work, drag and drop can
be so frustrating because it doesn't seem as polished as it is on the
Mac. I have to select and reselect text constantly because windoze apps
tend to think I want the entire sentence or one or two words or
characters more than necessary even while utilizing the shift key.)
The lack of drag and drop is one of the main reasons why I find Apple's
Script Editor an abomination to work with - even for a few short minutes.
It's when working with applications such as these that I realize just how
much I rely on drag and drop without thinking too much about its
usefulness until I find I am totally without it. I'm also fortunate to be
able to utilize OneClick which helps tremendously when I am forced to use
an app that doesn't have drag and drop. When I'm doing a lot of text
shuffling and manipulation drag and drop is truly a gift, but combining
the features of tools like OneClick and AppleScript makes me feel like I
have a little more flexibility and power in my corner. It's one feature
that I wish I had the option to turn ON in every app, but I can't think
of any instance when it would benefit me to turn it off. If Scripter
dropped drag and drop support, I'd drop it like a hot potato. Having OC,
I could work around the deficiency, but as with other apps without drag
and drop, I'm dragging my feet with irritation when forced to do so.
I find the many different habits and preferences people have very
interesting. But I'm also glad to have choices instead of having to
comform to habits that would seem more awkard for me even if more
comfortable for others and vice versa.