Re: alias and memory leak
Re: alias and memory leak
- Subject: Re: alias and memory leak
- From: Bill Cheeseman <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 08:58:16 -0500
on 2/18/01 8:07 AM, Victor Yee at email@hidden wrote:
Is there any resource that has a list of these problems? Or is it something
that one learns only through experience.
I have attempted for several years to list known bugs and bugs fixes in the
several releases of AppleScript, in the "AppleScript" chapter of The
AppleScript Sourcebook.
There are many bugs missing from my list, including this one (I think),
because I simply can't keep up with them all. (Many "bugs" reported on this
list turn out not to be bugs at all, but misunderstandings by the poster, so
I don't report a bug unless I can replicate it or have "official"
confirmation -- and I don't have time to try to replicate them all.) But you
may find my lists somewhat useful, in any event.
Bill Cheeseman, Quechee, Vermont <
The AppleScript Sourcebook
Vermont Recipes-A Cocoa Cookbook