Re: Character mangling test
Re: Character mangling test
- Subject: Re: Character mangling test
- From: Richard 23 <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:46:13 -0800
Message: 5
Subject: Re: Re: Character mangling test
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 12:51:47 +0000
From: Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
To: "AppleScript Users" <email@hidden>
email@hidden wrote on Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:28:11 EST:
>Shorter lines clarify logic.
>Shorter lines are almost always possible.
>Shorter lines make editing easier.
>Shorter lines make code more modularizable.
>Inability to create short lines reflects
>1) fuzzy logic, or...
>2) lack of creativity.
set subj1 to "I "
set infVrb to "say "
set modVrb to "would "
set neg to "not "
set modVrb to modVrb & neg
set vrb1 to modVrb & infVrb
set vrb2 to "is "
set subj2 to "that "
set adj to "true "
set adv to "necessarily "
set comp to adv & adj
set pred2 to vrb2 & comp
set sent to subj2 & pred2
set rel to "that "
set objCl to rel & sent
set pred1 to vrb1 & objCl
set fullStp to "."
set mySentence to subj1 & pred1
text 1 thru word -1 of mySentence
set mySentence to the result & fullStp
set spacer to return & return
set mySig to spacer & "NG"
set myMessage to mySentence & mySig
display dialog myMessage
This is too ordered and lengthy to be the result of a pint too many.
While a little lager might inspire such an idea the follow-through
would be purely mental for my own amusement.
It's too long for a ha ha me funny post.
This looks like the work of freaky fungi or some other psychedelic.
Either that or you've got some form of manageable yet borderline
functional personality disorder.
In any case quite an effective and commendable post.
I nearly laughed me bleedin arse off! Thanks for that.
But this may not be a good time to reorganize your folders!
You would probably be able to add some value to my Speech Cleanup
library. Just a thought.