Re: Styles in AppleWorks??
Re: Styles in AppleWorks??
- Subject: Re: Styles in AppleWorks??
- From: Harald E Brandt <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 22:50:19 +0100
+--> Jason W. Bruce wrote 01-02-19:
I'm not sure how to do this in an AppleWorks spreadsheet, but here is how
you do it in an AppleWorks word processing document. On Styles and Off
Styles are record labels which take lists as their values.
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
set style of paragraph 1 of text body of document 1 to {on
end tell
Thank you VERY much for the help!!
Now it was easy to find out how it should be done in spreadsheets:
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
tell front document
set style of cell 1 of row 1 to {on styles:{bold}}
--or for a whole row:
set style of row 3 to {on styles:{bold}}
end tell
end tell
But how on earth should I have been able to deduce from the dictionary that the on/off styles are record labels?? I guess that means that the value of the class 'text style info' is really a record(?) Or...?
Why doesn't the dictionary say so, or if it really does,
how shall I interpret it? (Would be good to know for the next time.)
I.e, how can I (from the dictionary) know that properties CANNOT be set by:
set on styles of style of word 1 to {bold}
but must be set by:
set style of word 1 to {on styles:{bold}}
The only clue I can see is that 'on styles' is a list. But on the other hand, not all lists are records!? Hmm...
With Many Thanks and the Best Regards,
Harald E Brandt email@hidden PGP/MIME aware