Re: Reading large files
Re: Reading large files
- Subject: Re: Reading large files
- From: JollyRoger <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 11:37:29 -0600
on 2/22/2001 7:49 AM, Daniel Komrska jr. at email@hidden wrote:
I would like to read 184 K text file. I raised up memory of Script
Debugger, but he still returns this: "Finder got an error: Out of memory".
I must read whole file, because I need work with the contents.
Can somebody help me?
Don't do the read in a Finder tell block. That's why the Finder is running
out of memory.
(For those tell block over-usage advocates on the list: This is another
example of tell block abuse, and how it can get scripters into trouble.)