Duplicate and rename folder path
Duplicate and rename folder path
- Subject: Duplicate and rename folder path
- From: Phil Burk <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 18:16:16 -0500
OK, here's a question for which I'm not sure there's an answer.
I have a folder on a server volume that is being duplicated to two different
locations: a local workstation and another server volume.
I am able to correctly duplicate the contents from the source to the
destinations and I can also log the source in a format I desire. My problem
results from having a folder and its contents duplicated and not just its
contents. When I log the results of the duplication to the two destinations
the source folder is copied too.
My question is this: Can I force AS to duplicate the folder in question and
then remove the source folder (without its contents)? Very convoluted
question. Maybe I could tell AS to duplicate just the contents of the
FYI, yes, I am STILL working on this... ;)
Script follows...
global theDate
global theSource, Dest1, Dest2
global LogFileSource, LogFileDest1, LogFileDest2
global fileList
global sourceLength, dest1Length, dest2Length
set theSource to the contents of alias "PrePress:(Testing):"
set Dest1 to alias "DMG:Destination:"
set Dest2 to alias "Archive:(Destination):"
set sourceLength to length of (theSource as string)
set dest1true to "DMG:Destination:(Testing):"
set dest1Length to length of (dest1true as string)
set dest2true to "Archive:(Destination):(Testing):"
set dest2Length to length of (dest2true as string)
set LogFileSource to a reference to (path to desktop as string) & "Source "
& theDate
set LogFileDest1 to a reference to (path to desktop as string) & "Dest1 " &
set LogFileDest2 to a reference to (path to desktop as string) & "Dest2 " &
set fileList to {}
set theContentsSource to logSourceContents((theSource) as string)
set theContentsDest1 to logDest1Contents((Dest1) as string)
set theContentsDest2 to logDest2Contents((Dest2) as string)
on getDate()
set todaysDate to (current date)
set {d, m, y} to {day, month, year} of todaysDate
set monthList to {January, February, March, April, May, ,
June, July, August, September, October, November, ,
repeat with i from 1 to 12
if m = (item i of monthList) then
set monthString to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & i)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set dayString to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d)
set todaysDate to dayString & "/" & monthString & "/" & y
set theDate to format date (current date) with format "%m-%d-%y"
end getDate
on dateToSourceLog()
open for access file LogFileSource with write permission
set eof of file LogFileSource to 0
write ((current date) as text) to LogFileSource starting at eof
close access file LogFileSource
end dateToSourceLog
on dateToDest1Log()
open for access file LogFileDest1 with write permission
set eof of file LogFileDest1 to 0
write ((current date) as text) to LogFileDest1 starting at eof
close access file LogFileDest1
end dateToDest1Log
on dateToDest2Log()
open for access file LogFileDest2 with write permission
set eof of file LogFileDest2 to 0
write ((current date) as text) to LogFileDest2 starting at eof
close access file LogFileDest2
end dateToDest2Log
on getVolumes()
mount volume "Archive" on server "PREPRESS_PRATT" in AppleTalk zone
"NOVELL" as user name "********" with password "********"
mount volume "PrePress" on server "PREPRESS_PRATT" in AppleTalk zone
"NOVELL" as user name "********" with password "********"
end try
end getVolumes
on logSourceContents(pathToFolder)
set savedTextItemDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set theListRef to a reference to list folder pathToFolder without
repeat with nextItem in theListRef
set itemPath to pathToFolder & nextItem
set itemInfo to info for alias itemPath
if folder of itemInfo then
open for access file LogFileSource with write permission
set x to sourceLength + 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileSource starting at eof
close access LogFileSource
logSourceContents(itemPath & ":")
open for access file LogFileSource with write permission
set x to sourceLength + 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileSource starting at eof
close access LogFileSource
set the fileList to fileList & itemPath
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedTextItemDelimiters
end logSourceContents
on logDest1Contents(pathToFolder)
set savedTextItemDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set theListRef to a reference to list folder pathToFolder without
repeat with nextItem in theListRef
set itemPath to pathToFolder & nextItem
set itemInfo to info for alias itemPath
if folder of itemInfo then
open for access file LogFileDest1 with write permission
set x to dest1Length - 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileDest1 starting at eof
close access LogFileDest1
logDest1Contents(itemPath & ":")
open for access file LogFileDest1 with write permission
set x to dest1Length + 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileDest1 starting at eof
close access LogFileDest1
set the fileList to fileList & itemPath
end if
end repeat
return fileList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedTextItemDelimiters
end logDest1Contents
on logDest2Contents(pathToFolder)
set savedTextItemDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set theListRef to a reference to list folder pathToFolder without
repeat with nextItem in theListRef
set itemPath to pathToFolder & nextItem
set itemInfo to info for alias itemPath
if folder of itemInfo then
open for access file LogFileDest2 with write permission
set x to dest2Length - 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileDest2 starting at eof
close access LogFileDest2
logDest2Contents(itemPath & ":")
open for access file LogFileDest2 with write permission
set x to dest2Length + 1
set newItemPath to (text x thru -1) of itemPath
write (return & newItemPath) to LogFileDest2 starting at eof
close access LogFileDest2
set the fileList to fileList & itemPath
end if
end repeat
return fileList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedTextItemDelimiters
end logDest2Contents
on duplicateToDest1()
tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 36000 seconds
duplicate (theSource) to (Dest1) with replacing
end timeout
end tell
end duplicateToDest1
on duplicateToDest2()
tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 36000 seconds
duplicate (theSource) to (Dest2) with replacing
end timeout
end tell
end duplicateToDest2
on compareSourceToDest1()
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
open file "OS 9 (disk 1):Desktop Folder:Source 02-26-01"
open file "OS 9 (disk 1):Desktop Folder:Dest1 02-26-01"
if the contents of window "Dest1 02-26-01" = the contents of window
"Source 02-26-01" then
display dialog "They're equal" buttons {"OK"}
display dialog "Gotta problem with Source and Destination 1..."
giving up after 5
end if
with timeout of 15 seconds
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
close file "OS 9 (disk1):Desktop Folder:Source 02-26-01"
close file "OS 9 (disk1):Desktop Folder:Dest1 02-26-01"
end tell
end timeout
end tell
end compareSourceToDest1
on compareSourceToDest2()
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
open file "OS 9 (disk 1):Desktop Folder:Source 02-26-01"
open file "OS 9 (disk 1):Desktop Folder:Dest2 02-26-01"
if the contents of window "Dest2 02-26-01" = the contents of window
"Source 02-26-01" then
display dialog "They're equal" buttons {"OK"}
display dialog "Gotta problem with Source and Destination 2..."
end if
close file "OS 9 (disk1):Desktop Folder:Source 02-26-01"
close file "OS 9 (disk1):Desktop Folder:Dest2 02-26-01"
end tell
end compareSourceToDest2
Phil Burk
DesktopMedia, Inc.
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money to do it with."
- Artemus Ward, "Artemus Ward in London" (1872)