Re: list (form data) to Record
Re: list (form data) to Record
- Subject: Re: list (form data) to Record
- From: Daniel Shockley <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 21:48:45 -0800 (PST)
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 10:24:54 -0800
Subject: Re: Records
From: Olof <email@hidden>
To: <email@hidden>
Here's the easiest way to do it using only the standard additions:
__begin script__
to usrf(theList)
set n to {+class usrf;:theList}
run script "
to run (arg)
arg as record
end run " with parameters n
end usrf
usrf({"a", 1, "b", 2})
__ end script__
- Olof
Olof, that's a great script!
However, I tried it as follows and got a disappointing result - I'm not sure why:
------------ BEGIN
to listToRecord(theList)
set n to {+class usrf;:theList}
run script "
to run (arg)
arg as record
end run " with parameters n
end listToRecord
listToRecord({"firstName", "Dan", "lastName", "Shockley"})
-- returns {|firstName|:"Dan", |lastName|:"Shockley"}
I've seen pipes around values/fields before when the variable is already defined, but this one
stumps me. I wonder if it happens somewhere in the run script section, which I don't quite
understand. If I change "firstName" to "fn" and "lastName" to "lstN" it works. However, if I try
to change "lastName" to "ln", I get the pipes around it: |ln|
Do you know why this is happening? When it does, I have to get the field value by calling the
property with the pipes around the name:
get |firstName| of the result
which is somewhat disappointing.
Daniel A. Shockley
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