Re: Font Testing - TOO slow.( Efficiency experts needed)
Re: Font Testing - TOO slow.( Efficiency experts needed)
- Subject: Re: Font Testing - TOO slow.( Efficiency experts needed)
- From: Hans Haesler <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:01:50 +0100
On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Xandra Lee wrote:
--The following routine tests that specific fonts are installed
before continuing a script. It works fine but... it's VERY slow if user
has many fonts installed & fonts are not found.
Additional QuerY: is there any way to get QXP to return just the font
names rather font records (as below?) (I have an OSAX that will do this
but prefer to use QXP for usabiltiy by others)
Hello Xandra,
additional reply first: you get the records then you loop through
them to list the names.
set fontList to {}
tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
set fList to font list
repeat with i from 1 to count of fList
set end of fontList to name of item i of fList
end repeat
end tell
fontList-->a list of the names
Now to your script:
property checkList : {"John", "Susan"} --non existent for testing reasons
--Halt script if neither font is found
set fontsCheck to my checkFonts(checkList)
on checkFonts(checkList)
set font1 to (item 1 of checkList)
set font2 to (item 2 of checkList)
tell application "QuarkXPress 4.11"
set fontList to font list
end tell
set n to count checkList
set m to count fontList
set nameFound to 0
repeat with i from 1 to n
set checkName to item i of checkList
repeat with j from 1 to m
set fontName to name of item j of fontList
if fontName = checkName then
set nameFound to nameFound + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
if nameFound is not n then
display dialog "This script uses
" & font1 & "
" & font2 & ".
Either install the fonts,
or change the script." buttons "Cancel" default button 1 with icon 2
end if
---other stuff here
return nameFound
end checkFonts
This is about ten times faster.
Best regards,
Hans Haesler | email@hidden