International Text: help !
International Text: help !
- Subject: International Text: help !
- From: FlyMac <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 12:33:12 +0100
I'm new to this mailing list and also quite new to AS (but not to the mac,
hehe). I apologize if my following question has already been answered 1000
So, that's the Q:
In my script, there is a part of the code where I have to get a string, it
does include "special" chars like "`", "-" ")" and so on. For example, a
string I have to work with looks like that:
"Memo hunter` this is a test! :-)" (of course, getting a string from the
I can get it but it doesn't recognizes these special chars: ":-)" becomes
":", "`" seems to be considered as a single word.
I have to get the second work of it, "hunter`" and get all word from word 3
to last:
set NickDest to (second word of thestring)
set Note to (get words 3 thru -1 of thestring)
If i specify "2nd word" it returns "hunter" no "`" ! and nicknames on IRC
contain strange chars... Same thing with the smileys, I can't say to the
people using my memo system to avoid smileys ;-)
I tried to see what happens with "International Text" or unicode, tried woth
and without delimiter " ", same problem or error.
Is there a way to take strings as they are and let the spaces be the only
delimiters ?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english (french mother-language) :)
Kevin " FlyMac" Roettger
Note: "thestring" is the string as it appears in ircle, an echo command of
it returns all chars correctly, but as soon as I try to work with it, it
becomes a nightmare...