Re: "Paths to Clipboard" droplet
Re: "Paths to Clipboard" droplet
- Subject: Re: "Paths to Clipboard" droplet
- From: Bryan <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 16:11:08 -0400
- Organization: Apex Radiology
The XCMD OSAX by Edward Lai of Apple contains the following command:
Resolve Alias <pathname> is the full pathName of the alias file.
Result : string -- The XFCN return the resolved alias path. Any level-depth
aliasing is resolved. If the pointed file is on a distant volume, the
result will contain a second line : "<zone name>:<server name>"
Bryan Kaufman
"Fox, Christopher B" wrote:
I've been working on a droplet that will accept up to ten files and
folders, and then place the paths of those files and folders on the chosen
application's clipboard. However, when the files reside on a mounted network
volume, I can't figure out how to add the server name or IP address to the
beginning of the path.
Here is the script thus far:
on open theseItems if (count of theseItems) > 10 then
display dialog "Please select fewer items." buttons {"OK"} default button
{"OK"} return end if set thePaths to "" repeat with anItem
in theseItems set thePaths to thePaths & (anItem as string)
if anItem is not the last item in theseItems then set
thePaths to thePaths & return end if end repeat tell
application "Finder" set facelessProcs to {"Control Strip
Extension", "DVD AutoLauncher", "Folder Actions", "Instant Palm Desktop",
"Timbuktu Extension", , "Time Synchronizer", "File Sharing
Extension", "Serial Port Monitor", "ShareWay IP Personal Bgnd", "Paths to
Clipboard"} set theProcs to name of every process whose name is
not in facelessProcs end tell tell application ((choose from list
theProcs with prompt , "Choose an application:" without multiple
selections allowed and empty selection allowed) as text)
activate set the clipboard to thePaths end tellend open
Any idea how I can retrieve the name of the server on which a file resides,
so that instead of:
Macintosh HD:My Docs:a spreadsheet.xls
I get:
TheServersName/Macintosh HD:My Docs:a spreadsheet.xls
Christopher Fox
MTS \ Capital One
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