Re: Re: undefined variable
Re: Re: undefined variable
- Subject: Re: Re: undefined variable
- From: "J.B. Stewart" <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:13:32 -0400
On Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:59:49 AM, Daniel McCoy has written...
thank you for you help. I am new to apple script.)
i tested that code you gave me. but it still won't quit the program. maybe)
i did something wrong. here is that i have.)
tell application "Finder")
repeat with i from 1 to 6)
if {the creator type of application process, i} is equal to)
"AOp3" then)
tell application "America Online" to quit)
end if)
end repeat)
end tell)
any i deas?)
again. thanks for the deed back.)
Try this one, it works for me. Be alert for line wrap.
The << & >> around "class psn " need to be replaced with Option+L and
Shift+Option+L respectively
tell application "Finder"
set op to (every process whose creator type is "AOp3") as <<class psn >>
if op is not equal to "" then
tell op to quit
end if
end tell
-- end script