Re: Newbie and first questions about old versions
Re: Newbie and first questions about old versions
- Subject: Re: Newbie and first questions about old versions
- From: "Carlos (Madrid)" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:52:47 +0100
11/6/01 19:34
> I started writing small routines in Applescript 1.3.7 (OS 8.6) and they work
> but when moving these scripts (as applications) to an OS 8.5.1 loaded
> PowerPC 860 they do not.
Can you give more info (as much as possible please) as to how they don't
work? Do you get errors? What are the error messages?
No errors. No messages. It just does NOTHING
If your script is small in size (under 30 lines), please post the script so
that we can see what you are doing.
display dialog "Se borraran TODOS los archivos de las carpetas IQ"
buttons {"SI", "NO", "Preguntar"}
set the botonpulsado to the button returned of the result
if the botonpulsado is "SI" then ,
tell application "Finder"
tell folder "IRIS Color "
tell folder "IQ Folders"
delete every item of folder "Add To Queue "
delete every item of folder "Hot "
delete every item of folder "Output "
delete every item of folder "Print to Disk "
delete every item of folder "Spool "
end tell
end tell
end tell
if the botonpulsado is "NO" then display dialog "No se ha borrado nada"
if the botonpulsado is "Preguntar" then display dialog ,
In the meantime, I opted to rewrite this small script for network, so i can
perform the task from another Mac... and it works OK. But this is not a good
solution, since now I need to copy this last script to some other Macs.
My first intention was to put the first script right in the wanted machine
(acting as a RIP for digital color proofs).
I also suppose that all those delete lines can be shortened into one, but at
least I wanted it to work first. There will be time enough for shortening
later (as soon as I learn)...
> will it be possible to copy the AppleScript extensions and libraries from
> 8.6 to 8.5.1?
I would suggest going to <>
and downloading an AppleScript installer...
Sounds correct.
Thanks for the tips
(Madrid) Spain
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