Re: Quark ps-file
Re: Quark ps-file
- Subject: Re: Quark ps-file
- From: JJ <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 15:52:23 +0200
manual (without script): I can see how the computer writes the file
* with script: it prints like with background printing: the script is over and
the ps-file is still not ready !
* and in this case I get problems if I want to move a big file to another
place becouse
* the script is too quick compared to the writing of the file (ok I could rate
a delay but I not always know how big a ps-file will be)
Every computer is a different world.
If you want move your ps files when they are "ready", then you should use a
very simple command from Jon's Commands:
fileIsBusy alias
Result: boolean -- Whether the file is open or not.
I. e.
tell application "Finder"
set the_ps to alias "HD:Desktop"
set its_final_destination to alias "HD:Desktop Folder:Dest_folder:"
set move_file to false
repeat while move_file = false
if (fileIsBusy the_ps) = false then
set move_file to true
end if
end repeat
move the_ps to its_final_destination
end tell
It's better use two different scripts: the printer, and the ps-mover (an
action folder).
I'm running a OS 8.6, but I know that OS 9.x's standard additions include
the "busy status" of files, like an inherit from "get info for" (name,
locked, file type, creator type, busy...).