Re: Change all labels to 0 if... > help!
Re: Change all labels to 0 if... > help!
- Subject: Re: Change all labels to 0 if... > help!
- From: Thierry Lavallée <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:54:40 -0400
thanks a lot. but I still encounter problems...
This changes ALL items label to 0..
What I wanted is them to change their label to 0 ONLY AND ONLY IF their
actual label before run of script is 2.
This script changes only the first level of items... it does not change all
sub folders and their content. Which is what I need.
I get this error:
Can't set <<class labi>> of every <<class cfol>> of selection of application
"Finder" to 0.
Any clues?
thanks for more help. : )
> Is there a way to build a script that will make ALL my files and folders
> contained in dragged folder to turn their label to <<none>> (0) ONLY if they
> are already set to <<hot>>(2)?
on open (droppedItms)
repeat with anItm in droppedItms
end repeat
end open
on recurzDaFolders(someFolder)
tell application "Finder"
set longList to select every folder of someFolder
tell selection's every folder to set it's label index to 0
repeat with thisItm in longList
my recurzDaFolders(thisItm)
end repeat
end tell
end recurzDaFolders