Re: URL Access Scripting & Form Posting
Re: URL Access Scripting & Form Posting
- Subject: Re: URL Access Scripting & Form Posting
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 02:30:30 EST
Try this:
-- you'll have to disect the page to determine the fields.
-- URL encoding may be unnecessary
set formdata1 to "size=30&page=1&index=music&field-artist=John L"
set formData2 to "ennon&field-title=&field-label=&field-binding="
set formData to formData1 & formData2
set destination to "WorkZone:johnlennon" -- use your own path
-- the URL must be that of the form action, not the page with the form
set cgiURLpart1 to ""
set cgiURLpart2 to "dle-form/ref=s_sf_pm/102-7990924-2982528"
set currentURL to cgiURLpart1 & cgiURLpart2
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
download currentURL to file destination replacing yes form data formdata
with progress
end tell
Jeff Baumann
19 Days, 6 Hours, 57 Minutes
How is it going to end?
In a message dated 3/8/01 10:44:48 PM, Boonee wrote:
I am a novice scripter but have been actively following this list and
have caught the bug to learn more and do more. I have been
experimenting with URL Access Scripting and need some assistance on
scripting a post. The form is an form which is here -
8728514-4507965. It asks for the user to enter the artist, title and
label and press the button "search now". I would like to use URL
Access Scripting instead of Netscape Navigator or Explorer to send
this info and then save the page returned to a file on disk.
I understand the basic format but cannot figure out the form data
part. Please help.
I have this so far:
set vfilePath to "Macintosh HD:Downloads:SourceData"
Set i to "" --the post data should go
here - artist, title and label
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
download i to file vfilePath with progress
on error err
Display Dialog err
end try
end tell