Re: detect launch of file?
Re: detect launch of file?
- Subject: Re: detect launch of file?
- From: JollyRoger <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:40:25 -0600
on 3/14/2001 3:40 PM, Dale Saukerson at email@hidden wrote:
At 12:45 PM -0600 3/13/01, Jolly Roger wrote:
> on 3/12/01 11:45 AM, Phil Calvert (email@hidden) wrote:
>> Is there any way (via applescript) to detected the launch of a file? I want
>> an applescript to do something only if a certain file type is launched.
> Hi Phil,
> In the future, it would help avoid confusion if you would use the correct
> terminology. You don't "launch" files, you "open" them. Also, you should
> refer to applications as "applications" or "application files", not "files".
"Launching" is NOT an uncommon term for starting an application
Um, I never said "launch and application" was bad terminology.
What I did say is that "launch a file" was bad terminology. As you can see
above, Phil said "launch of a file", not launching an application. If he
had said "launch of an application" or "open of a file", his question would
have been clear, and there would have been no need for this thread to begin
--but I agree it is unclear if Phil want's to monitor an application or a
specific file type. (I suspect the latter).
So do I. But that doesn't change the fact that he used the word "launch" in
reference to a document/file - and that is bad terminology.