Re: PICTs and Dialog Director
Re: PICTs and Dialog Director
- Subject: Re: PICTs and Dialog Director
- From: "Ray Barber" <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:21:40 -0600
Hi Cliff,
I tried this (watch for breaks);
set theDialog to {size:{219, 151}, style:standard palette, closeable:true,
name:"New and Improved!", default item:2, contents:{,
{class:pict, bounds:{9, 7, 209, 107}, contents:128}, ,
{class:push button, bounds:{78, 119, 148, 139}, name:"Thanks"}}}
dd auto dialog theDialog with fonts {name:"Charcoal", size:12} with
Appears you're doing the same. Try compiling your script into an applet.
Now your pict file will show up. A caveat is there are some issues with
resource numbering. I don't have that in my pocket right now, but the
number you have would seem to be ok to use. I am srue others will chime in
with the correct ones to use for stuff as this.
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From: Cliff <email@hidden>
To: AppleScript Users List <email@hidden>
Subject: PICTs and Dialog Director
Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2001, 2:52 PM
Can someone with experience with Dialog Director 0.7 tell me what I am doing
wrong please.
I create a script using Smile and have it all set up to make a window using
Dialog Director. Then using ResEdit I put a PICT resource into that
AppleScript. In the setup for Dialog Director I put
{class:pict, bounds:[15, 25, 15 + 195, 25 + 168], contents:256}]}
Where the 195 and 168 is the width and height of the PICT in pixels and the
256 is its resource number.
It doesn't show up in the dialog box. I am slightly floundering because I am
not too sure if what I am doing is correct, so may be leading myself up the
wrong path.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Cliff Strange
New Zealand
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