Re: DD progress bar [Addendum]
Re: DD progress bar [Addendum]
- Subject: Re: DD progress bar [Addendum]
- From: Jolly Roger <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:54:06 -0600
- Replyto: email@hidden
on 3/19/01 9:49 AM, David Graham (email@hidden) wrote:
At 10:36 PM -0800 3/18/01, David Graham wrote:
> I'm stumped! When I call a DD progress bar dialog the main script stops until
> a result is returned from the DD handler. How can I adjust this so that it
> stays active until I choose to dismiss it?
I should've clarified this a bit further. I am not really trying to get a
'real' progress bar, but rather a spinning barber pole. Since the operation is
gonna take less than 10 seconds it doesn't really need to show the actual
progress, but I want something to show the user that stuff is indeed
What this really breaks down to is processes. How can I call a handler and yet
have the main script continue on it's merry way... and then stop the handler
when the main script is finished?
The standard way to handle this problem is to break operation up into
steps. Then perform each step in the idle() handler, keeping track of which
step you are currently on in a global variable or property.