Eudora nickname errors in 8.x
Eudora nickname errors in 8.x
- Subject: Eudora nickname errors in 8.x
- From: David Graham <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 12:21:08 -0800
Hi all!
I just finished a routine that parses out contact info from the body of a message and creates new nicknames. I have had no problems running the script through the Eudora OSA menu or directly from the Script Editor under OS 9.x, but I have something strange happening on machines running versions 8.0-8.6.
Here's a code snippet:
-- loop through each relevant line of the message and set the data to a list
-- ignore the first line entirely
repeat with i from 2 to nicknameCount
-- each line in the body equals one nickname
set nickListItem to paragraph i of nickGroup
-- the format is comma separated with five values
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set nickList to (text items 1 thru 5) of nickListItem
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
-- assign the list values to the relevant variables
set {varNickFile, varNickName, varName, varAddress, varNotes} to nickList
-- test for valid nickname file and create if necessary
tell application "Eudora Pro"
if not (exists nickname file varNickFile) then
make new nickname file with data varNickFile
end if
-- add the new addresses
set nn to (a reference to (make new nickname at end of nickname file varNickFile with data varNickName))
tell nn
set field "name" of nn to varName
set addresses of nn to varAddress
set notes of nn to varNotes
end tell
end tell
on error (err)
display dialog err
end try
end repeat
Here's the weird part ... the check to see if the nickname file exists has been failing intermittently under 8.x. Here's some event info:
exists nickname file "PWI-SBa"
--> true
exists nickname file "PWI-SBa"
--> false
... same test, different results?!?!? In addition, Eudora displays an error message that doesn't register as an error to my script. I thought I would just handle it in a try block but it doesn't catch it. HELP!
- Dave
David Graham Partnerships With Industry
MIS Manager 7540 Metropolitan Dr., #105
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fax : 619.681.1990
AOL IM: dmgraham22
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